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Minutes for HB2167 - Committee on Agriculture and Natural Resources

Short Title

Establishing a system for the transfer of certain deer hunting permits to nonresidents.

Minutes Content for Thu, Mar 14, 2019


Chairperson Kerschen opened the hearing on HB2167.

Tamera Lawrence of the Revisor of Statutes office explained the bill.

Brad Loveless testified in opposition to the bill.  He believes this bill is unnecessary as the overwhelming majority of applicants already have non resident permits.  Land owners already have complete control to charge hunters whatever the market will bear for access to their land.  If passed, the bill will unnecessarily complicate the process of receiving non resident deer permits and potentially impact our state's ability to manage the deer population.(Attachment 1)

Representative Will Carpenter spoke against the bill.  While he believes the bill has good intentions, he pointed out that it would have a negative impact on hunting access for residents as well as a biological and economic impact of the state.  It would also create confusion around the administration and enforcement of the program.(Attachment 2)

Lauren Sill spoke in opposition to the bill.  She believes that the bill would impede the Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism's ability to manage the quantity and quality of deer in Kansas. In addition, it would further increase the number of non-resident deer hunters in Kansas, contribute to the declining numbers of resident hunters,and create additional challenges for resident hunters in finding access to hunting opportunities.(Attachment 3)

Gaines Slade testified against the bill.  He believes that this bill is unnecessary.  He doesn't think that most land owners would make very much money off of one land owner tag.  To make very much money the land owner would need to become an outfitter which requires lots of hours, land accumulation, and outlay of money which is not feasible for most land owners.  He referred to Kansas as the Ferrari of whitetail deer hunting and feels that the passage of this bill would risk this highly sought after resource.(Attachment 4)

Douglas Wilson spoke in opposition to the bill.  He believes that if passed this bill will displace Kansas sportsmen.  He also feels that this bill will create an unattainable market for farm land that the average farmer cannot afford.(Attachment 5),(Attachment 6)

Spencer Tomb testified against the bill.  He told the committee that when the transferable deer tag permit was in use before, it was the most abused permit Wildlife and Parks ever had.  If passed it will increase the harvest of bucks and cause a decline in the number of mature bucks. There is no need for this type of permit.(Attachment 7)

Written opponent testimony was submitted by Patrick Murphy from Wichita.

After a brief question and answer session, Chairperson Kerschen closed the hearing on HB2167 and adjourned the meeting at 9:30.