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Minutes for HB2602 - Committee on Education

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Substitute for HB 2602 by the Committee on Education - Creating the legislative task force on dyslexia.

Minutes Content for Wed, Mar 14, 2018

Chairperson Baumgardner called the hearing on SB2602 to order.

(Attachment 1) Nick Myers, Office of Revisor of Statutes, presented a memorandum on HB2602.  Mr. Myers went over the details of the bill, including what the task force would be required to do.  Chairperson Baumgardner clarified information in the bill.

Senator Bollier asked what is currently in statute related to dyslexia, or under the State Board of Education.  Mr. Myers stated he was unsure of any specific laws that were related.  Chairperson Baumgardner noted that the presenters would be able to answer those questions.

Chairperson Baumgardner stated that there were nine conferees to speak in 50 minutes, and they would need time for the Committee to ask questions as well. Chairperson Baumgardner asked the conferees to speak briefly on the topic and reminded them that the Committee had their testimony to read over. 

(Attachment 2) Dr. Michele Berg, who is the Founder and Director of Menninger Center for Learning Disabilities, Director of the Center for Learning Disorders for the Family Service and Guidance Center of Topeka, and currently retired and in private practice.  Dr. Berg gave a general overview of Dyslexia, specifically what it is defined as. 

Mike Burgess, Disability Rights Center of Kansas, presented proponent testimony. 

(Attachment 3) Christina Middleton, founder of Decoding Dyslexia Johnson County, presented testimony in proposition.  Her son was present and came to the podium as well, and she noted that she was a parent of a child with dyslexia.  Together they presented and spoke on their personal story. 

(Attachment 4) Holly Palacio presented as a proponent.  Her son was present and came to the podium with her.  Ms. Palacio discussed her personal experience as a parent, as well as her son's experience as someone with dyslexia.  Mrs. Palacio asked her son what would have been different if dyslexia was understood, and he responded that where he went to school and how fast he learned, and he would have liked the teachers to have had an understanding of his disability so that they could help him.

(Attachment 5) Katie Mitchell, a parent of a dyslexic child, gave proponent testimony.  She discussed her personal experience with her son's education and noted that she encourages all parents of a dyslexic child to advocate on their behalf.  Mrs. Mitchell stated that it is a learning difference, and when nothing is done about it she feels it becomes a disability. 

(Attachment 6) Dr. David Hurford, Director of the Center for Research, Evaluation and Awareness of Dyslexia, gave proponent testimony.  Dr. Hurford discussed that children with dyslexia are more likely to fail or drop out of school, noting that they understand they learn different than others, and this can lead to depression and suicide.  He stated it was an academic problem and a social problem.  His testimony provided facts on dyslexia.  Chairperson Baumgardner thanked Dr. Hurford for discussing the Supreme Court case of Endrew F. v. Douglas County School District.

(Attachment 7) Mark Desetti, Kansas National Education Association (KNEA), presented testimony as a proponent.  Mr. Desetti noted though that on the task force he did not see a teacher on it.  Mr. Desetti presented points that the KNEA felt needed to be deeply explored when considering the best way to meet the concerns of all. 

(Attachment 8) (Attachment 9) Barb Orsi, student advocate and parent of a dyslexic learner, gave proponent testimony.  Chairperson Baumgardner asked Mrs. Orsi what she would like to see in this bill.  Mrs. Orsi responded that she would like to see fewer paraprofessionals working with dyslexic students. 

(Attachment 10) Lori McMillan, a Professor and a parent to a dyslexic child, provided proponent testimony.  She discussed briefly how this bill would save Kansas money, including how early intervention can help alleviate costs later on, reducing juveniles in the prison system, and cut down on needs for social services just to name a few ways. 

(Attachment 11) Dr. Annie Opat, Professor of Literacy, Director of Reading Recovery at ESU, gave opponent testimony.  Dr. Opat stated that she was not strictly an opponent, and she noted that through her research she would recommend that if a needed task force is formed, that a research person would be placed on the task force.  She also noted that she worries about over identification. 

(Attachment 12) Terry Collins, gave neutral testimony on behalf of KASEA, KASB, USA-Kansas and KSSA.  He stated that this task force is needed, but he would include teachers and technical assistance programs from KSDE, noting that some of the most knowledgeable people on this subject were not on the proposed task force currently.  He noted they were also concerned that the bill needs to include similar language to, "Staff of the office of the legislative research department shall provide assistance as may be requested by the dyslexia guideline development task force, subject to approval by the legislative coordinating council."  He noted that operating without staff would be very challenging to this task force. 

Chairperson Baumgardner thanked the conferees, and she noted that due to time restrictions anyone in the audience could come tomorrow to answer questions.

Written testimony was presented as well:


Chairperson Baumgardner thanked the conferees and adjourned the meeting.