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Minutes for HB2558 - Committee on Agriculture

Short Title

Relating to the annual expiration date of controlled shooting area licenses.

Minutes Content for Thu, Feb 8, 2018

Chair Hoffman opened the hearing on HB2558 at 4:54pm

Kyle Hamilton, Assistant Revisor, Office of The Revisor of Statutes, provided an overview of HB2558 and the statutes that it affects.  (Attachment 10)   There is a Fiscal Note for HB2558.


Whitney Damron, Kansas Sport Hunting Association, appeared before the Committee as a neutral of HB2558.  (Attachment 11)    This bill wound extend the current Controlled Shooting Areas (CSA) hunting season ending March 31 to April 30th.  The owners of the CSAs are responsible for provisioning of birds on their property - one birded hunted and one bird replaced.  Extending the season by one month would allow packaging of spring turkey and pheasant hunts.  This would bring hunters into our state who otherwise would not be able to find suitable ground to hunt.


Robin Jennison, Secretary, Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks, and Tourism, appeared before the Committee as a neutral of HB2558(Attachment 12)    Because CSA operations require propagated birds, there is no biological impact on the season extension proposed. In addition, an added benefit of the extension would be to have combination hunts for other game species, such as turkey hunts, provided proper licenses and permits are possessed by the participants. 

There were no opponents of HB2558.

The hearing on HB2558 was closed at 4:58pm.

Representative Thompson moved to suspend the rules and take action on HB2558.  Representative Blex seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote.

Representative Highland moved to favorably pass HB2558 and since it was of a non-controversial nature that it be placed on the Consent Calendar.  Representative Hibbard seconded the motion.  The motion passed on a voice vote.

The Chair adjourned the meeting at 5:01pm.